
The global DevOps market experienced strong growth in the 2015-2020 period. DevOps refers to the development and operations that help increase the speed at which an organization delivers applications and provides better services to its customers. It improves the quality of application development, reduces time to market, includes security features, and allows breaking complex codebases into smaller, manageable segments. DevOps involves multiple cross-functional teams, including developers, business analysts, enterprise and software architects, line-of-business owners, QA practitioners, operations personnel, security professionals, suppliers and partners. This helps to quickly seize market opportunities, shorten the time to incorporate customer feedback, and change and advance the relationship by advocating for better communication and collaboration between different business units.

Various organizations and industries are shifting towards automated software distribution, which is more accurate, practical and has lower maintenance costs compared to manual procedures. Besides, emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) trends are also giving a positive momentum to the market. AI and ML process large amounts of information and help perform trivial tasks, allowing IT staff to do more targeted work and learn patterns, anticipate problems, and suggest solutions. Also, the increasing adoption of agile frameworks and cloud technologies and the digitization of businesses to automate business processes are some of the other factors driving market growth across the globe. Also, with the rapid spread of the Internet of Things (IoT), DevOps has gained popularity due to the interdependence of hardware and embedded software running on it. Going forward, it expects the global DevOps market to grow at a CAGR of approximately 21% over the 2021-2026 period.

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